Monday, January 26, 2009

16 weeks

When I woke up on Saturday morning and placed my hand on our baby bump it felt like it doubled in size overnight. Jebo was already awake so when I went downstairs to make him feel he was shocked and so happy. He thinks it's the cutest thing in the world and so do I.

He keeps asking me what it feels like for me, and I told him, "We'll right now it feels like a clenched hard butt cheek is sitting under my bellybutton that's only gonna get bigger, except it's not a butt cheek- its a baby and its alive." Haha!

The baby is almost 5 inches long this week, and the size of an avocado. There aren't any new changes in me, except this ever growing stomach and I find myself more tired these days. Usually around 3pm I'm ready for a nap, then I get a rush of energy when I pass the tired stage, but again by 9pm I'm ready to sleep for the night but I usually never crash until after 10:30pm.

Check out this link to see the growth of the baby/mommy from conception-birth. It's really cool. Just put your cursor over the grey box under the picture and slowly move to the right for week-by-week changes. Looks like I'm about to have an even bigger growth spurt in the next 2 weeks.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Big Brother

This picture is so sweet. It's a watercolor painting I found online of a sibling connecting with the baby in the womb.

It's nice that Gab will be a TWEENAGER (10 1/2) when this baby is born. (TWEENAGER is defined as the double digit years prior to turning 13, so 10-12 are the Tweenager years. A tween is between 8 and 12 years old, and a tweenager is 10 to 12 years old.)

At least he will be old enough to TRULY connect with the baby as a BIG BROTHER since they are so far apart in age. We won't have to worry about them fighting. He will officially be a 13 year old teenager, when his baby sister is 1 1/2 years old. Wow. When he is an adult-18-his baby sister will only be 7 1/2 years old. He'll be the super protective big brother for sure.


As promised- the 4 month baby belly

This baby is growing fast, and so is my stomach. We're almost 1/2 way there! Only 5 months to go. I suppose after a couple more months my belly will just look like a huge round ball- so I'll try to post the growth progress while it's in the process of getting even bigger then it is already. The bump starts right under my belly button. The womb will slowly start creeping up the further along I get. Soon I'll be able to look forward to baby feet kicking my rib cage. Haha!

I officially cannot suck in anymore. Not possible. Enjoy!

I also emailed my belly pictures out, and Megan responded with "I love it, where's Jebos". He responded with this:

That IS NOT his belly. Don't worry. It might be that big, but it's NOT that hairy. Haha!

Baby Clothes Galore!!!

Corinthia's closet is PACKED!
As you know- we've been collecting ladybug clothing, among other really cute garments, so I wanted to post them for your viewing pleasure so you can see what a cute little ladybug she will be! My mom has bought pretty much everything that you see in the closet, minus a few ladybug & other adorable things I have found on my own.
Tutu found at Old Navy. I LOVE this! :
Assorted ladybug clothes found at Target and BJ's:
Ladybug dress w/ matching bloomers found at TJ Maxx:
Ladybug sandals found at target:
New dress my mom found at a Thrift store- still complete with tags:

We can't wait for our baby to come so we can play with her and dress her up and treat her like a little princess. She almost has as many clothes as me! Now Spring is coming up- which means new ladybug garments hit the shelves and I'm sure the clothing collecting wont be dwindling down anytime soon!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

15 weeks

I am amazed at how much our baby is growing, and that in one week she is 4 months old in the womb.

Every morning when I wake up, I touch my stomach to feel how much bigger it is. As of about 3 weeks ago, I could start feeling my womb by touching my stomach when laying down. I could feel it very well while standing for a little over a month now, but when you lay down, everything sinks in. Normal. Not anymore. Now in the morning, I just place my hand there softly and I can feel the baby bump. It's amazing. It's big, and it's only going to get bigger.

Jebo thinks it the most beautiful thing. He smiles so big every time he looks at my stomach. He says, "She's beautiful already." Sweet. You can see the pride in his eyes already for his baby. I love it.

I've also been collecting anything and everything ladybug that I find. Outfits, socks, shoes, bibs, blankets, washcloths etc. There are SO many ladybug things out there and it's not even Spring. I'm a happy mommy! Jebo doesn't even gripe when I come home with bags of things. He just loves all of it and says he can't wait to smell the baby.

The baby is around 4 inches long now. I feel her move sometimes. Supposedly in 2 weeks I should be able to feel her all the time. I had a dream last night that she was kicking and I felt it big time, but as far as I know it was just a dream. But- who knows. Maybe she gave me a good kick in my sleep. Was I snoring? Haha!

Speaking of DREAMS. Wow. The pregnancy dreams have kicked in big-time! I have been having the most bizarre dreams for about 2 weeks now. I even had a dream I birthed a cat, but then it turned into a human. Haha! I might even start a pregnancy dream journal because the dreams are so nutty.

Jebo and I are looking into a heart rate monitor so we can listen to the baby's heartbeat from home. We've also started thinking about our baby shower guest list, and as of right now it has 70+ people on it! It's definitely going to be a ladybug themed shower. Probably held the first or second weekend in June.

Nothing has changed with me. I feel great. Recently I've been waking up with headaches, but I think that might be a combination of my pillow and my wacky dreams. I'm OK with almost all food now. Nothing really grosses me out, but I still don't care for garlic these days. I think I have a pinched nerve in my lower back, which I need to have my chiro work on before this baby gets bigger and my back gets more strain on it.

Jebo is good. He's been weird with food lately. We ordered dinner last night from a Chinese resto we order from a lot, and Jebo didn't like it all of a sudden. Tonight he craved for spaghetti, but when I made it and he was eating he said he didn't really like it b/c the noodles were too thin. I told him he better start cooking then, because it's not my food- it's him. I swear he's the pregnant one here. He even stole my pregnancy pillow- the snoogle, and won't give it back! Indian giver!!! Haha!

That's it for now. This week I'll take a picture of my baby belly for the blog, and pictures of some of the cute baby clothes I have. Stand-by for those!

Friday, January 9, 2009

13/14 Week Sonogram

(Pause the music at the bottom of the page first, because there are 3 videos on this post)

Baby Sucking thumb:

I say 13/14 week, because the baby is almost through it's 13 week of life, and onto the 14th week. This morning I woke up at 6:50am and could not fall back asleep. I guess I was excited for the sonogram and anxious to start drinking water, since the doc told me to drink a lot since we were doing a belly and internal exam.

I finally got out of bed at 7:45 and filled my fist cup up. 60+ ounces later, we were on our way to the doctors office. Our appointment was at 9:00am, but we didn't get called back until almost 10:15am. We were 15 minutes late, but STILL! That's a long waiting time when you have an appointment! I had to empty my bladder 3 times while we were waiting. They told me to try not to ,but I don't think ANYONE in their right mind wants to get in the way of a pregnant woman who has to pee! Ha!

Once we finally got called back, I was happy to see I had the same doctor as last time. She is super cool. We started off doing the belly exam and we were shocked to see how BIG the baby is now. It actually looks like a baby, and not a blob. You can see the face profile really good now, the legs, arms and fingers. So cute!

The baby was sleeping, so Kelly (the doc) kept poking at my stomach to wake the baby up. Poor little one isn't used to being up so early, and needed rest still! Haha! When she would jab at it it baby would move a little, but it was too tired to move around too much for us.

Jebo took a few videos, and at the end of this one you can see the baby move its arm around, and scratch it's face. Sweet huh?

(Pause the music at the bottom of this page)

Jebo also asked the doctor if it was too soon to tell the gender or not. She said she would look and give us an educated guess. At first the umbilical cord was between the baby's legs, so i got up and went to the restroom, then when I came back we did the internal exam to see if the umbilical cord had moved. It had moved, but she could see better for some reason with the belly exam so we started that up again.
She said, "Yep. It's a GIRL. Don't buy any clothes yet, but I'm pretty sure it's a girl." She said this because in the genitalia area it is flat, and by now she would see the penis if it was a boy.

Jebo is super excited, and so am I. I would be just as happy with a boy, but after thinking I realized it's probably best to have a girl first. At least she will NEVER have any "middle child" syndrome because she IS a girl and girls are spoiled princesses. Then, when we have our next child and it's a BOY- he will be the youngest so he wont feel slighted. He'll be the "baby", and his big sister will be his "mommy", and he will be her "doll".

Baby all stretched out (notice the legs and arms):

Either way, between Jebo, myself and my mom this baby will not be lacking in constant 1,000% genuine love and care. I'm glad Gab will be 10 1/2 when this baby is born, so at least he will be able to appreciate his sibling more then he would had it been born when he was younger. He will TRULY be a BIG brother. 10+ years older! WOW! In 5 years he can drive his 5 year old sister around. Well- maybe not. We'll have to test his driving skills first. Haha! He isn't as "car crazy" as Jebo- so who knows what kind of driver he'll be.

After my exams, they pricked my finger, and took my blood for more testing. It wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I guess I'm learning I'm not so scared of needles after all! I'm growing up! Haha!

Baby's profile:

I have had a smile on my face all day thinking about this baby and how big she is getting while looking at her pictures and the videos. In 6 weeks we are 1/2 way there to being able to meet her face to face! YEY!!!!!!

It's more REAL now that she looks like a baby.

We LOVE her!

Video of baby squirming around. You can see her kicking and stretching her legs at first: (pause music at bottom first)


Monday, January 5, 2009

13 weeks- SECOND Trimester!

The baby has changed SO MUCH in the womb the last 2 weeks. It has officially doubled in size (it's now 3 inches long), and is starting to look more like a human.

They say the baby's eyes and ears are moving to the place they are supposed to be now, and baby now has fingerprints.

We have a sonogram this Friday, and the baby will almost be 14 weeks old at that point. I can't believe how fast this is going. By 18 weeks you can find out the sex of the baby, so we'll know really soon. At 20 weeks we are half-way through our pregnancy! WOW!

For Christmas Jebo got me a Snoogle & a Belly Sonic for the baby. A Snoogle is a body pillow that will come in handy when this baby gets bigger and I can't sleep on my back anymore:

A Belly Sonic is a belt you wear on your stomach that you slip an ipod in, and the speakers in the inside send music to the baby. Jebo also downloaded every possible form of baby music you can find for our baby to listen to. Daddy is already spoiling his baby. Ha!

On another note- it IS true when they say in your second trimester you start to feel more "normal". Things that made me nauseous before, don't bother me as much anymore. I'm not peeing as much as I was in the first trimester. I've had more energy, so I've been slowly cleaning out the baby's closet, and the closet it Gab's old room, which will be a play room until we have another baby down the road.

I've also realized that I am CRAVING Mexican food a LOT. I want nachos with beans and cheese and sour cream, burritos, and anything with Mexican flavors. This makes me think about one of my best friends- Megan- because she LOVES Mexican food. I used to LOVE Italian food, but now it doesn't appeal to me. I wonder if she will not like Mexican, but crave Italian when she's pregnant. Haha! That would be funny!

You can also FEEL the baby now when I'm standing. Jebo, Jody and her sister Kayla are the only ones that have touched the baby so far. It is beginning to be quite the hard little lump. Since the baby is now the size of a peach, I suppose that's normal.

I have felt the baby move 2 times. Once when I was laying in bed pressing on my stomach, and the second time was when I was sitting at work, and the seam of my maternity pants was pushing on the womb and I could feel the butterfly flutterings. I think I may have felt it a few other times, but I wasn't paying attention.

I hope this baby moves a lot for Daddy at our 13 (almost 14) week sonogram this Friday.

I'll post the pictures and video no later then Saturday, so keep a look out!