It's been WAY too long since I've updated this blog. Gianna is so active and into everything, and I haven't even had much time to write in her diary I've been keeping for her.
She is 9 1/2 months now and will be walking any day. She has been sitting up on her own since 4 months, and since about 7.5 months she's been "crawling". We call it her "primate crawl" because she wont use her knees. She walks like a gorilla, with her hands and feet all on the ground, but boy can she get areound like that. I'm sure it's much faster than any normal baby crawl would be. She's smart!
Gianna has also been standing without holding anything since about 8 months. Now she pushes things and walks with them, she holds furniture and walks along side of it and is into EVERYTHING! We had to baby proof the house at the end of April because she is fascinated with light sockets and staircases, and everytime we'd turn our back she was across the room within seconds!
We just blew up her baby pool last Sunday, and she had a lot of fun in it. She loves the water like her Daddy. When she watches Sesame Street, and the Beaches Family Resort commercial comes on at the end, she stops whatever she is doing an watches it. It's so funny. We'll have to take her there one day.

In the water I splash and
splish...look, I'm a giggly, wiggly fish.

Gianna loves to go to the park, and it's part of her daily routine during the week with Grandma. She loves the swings and the slides.
Gianna has also been teething, and it seems as if all my body parts are victims of her jaw!
Our sweet little girl always has her hands in her mouth.
The top two teeth are about to break skin. The bottom two have been in for a while now. It looks like she might be getting more teeth along the sides next to the bottom ones now too.

Her teeth were bothering her so much a few days ago that for 3 days in a row she fell asleep in the shower with Daddy. She always likes to have a little cuddle with us right when she gets in the shower, but I guess she was in pain and found it very
relaxing those few days.
Gianna thinks she is such a big girl now that she stands and gets herself all over the house with her primate crawl. 
I thought you had more time before the kids got into everything, but Gianna has been into everything since 7 1/2 months. She's one smart cookie.

Gianna and Daddy in DC in February 2010

Gianna was our tour guide!
Baby's first balloon. We were in Trader Joes and the clerk gave another little girl a balloon and Gianna wouldn't take her eyes off of it.
Gianna and Gab!
We had a huge snow storm and were snowed in for a week. Gianna and Daddy:
Gianna and Mommy:
Baby's first snow:
We did a side-by-side comparison to see who Gianna looks like:

Jebo won:
Our little baker?:

Gianna started drinking from a cup in December @ 5 months:
Gianna and Gab in January before we took the tree down:
All 3 of us on a lazy day:
Gianna and Daddy on Christmas:
All 3 of us December 2009
I'll try to keep up with this blog more, so I don't have to do such a large post again. Be blessed! xoxo