Last night when I was sitting on the couch I felt jabs coming from my stomach that I thought were gas bubbles. They were like small little "pops". I soon realized this was our baby kicking/moving around.
Later when I got into bed and was still, I felt the jabs again around every 30 seconds. It was the coolest feeling, and it had me picturing her tiny little hands and feet exploring the womb. Finally after about 20 minutes of feeling her moving around, I said "OK Baby. It's nite-nite time now." After that she was still. She's already such a good baby!
They say right about now, she is growing the hair on her head, she is 6 inches long, and her teeth are forming under her gums. I'm going to have the doctor confirm her length at our sonogram tomorrow.
I'm at my desk right now and I have been feeling her jabs on and off since I arrived this morning. The feeling is very different then the flutters I have been feeling through the pregnancy. I love it! I can't wait until she's a bit bigger, and her daddy can feel her moving too!
Stay tuned for videos and pictures from our sonogram tomorrow.
1 comment:
it could be the tacito that you had for breakfast on your way in..you never know
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