We are officially 30 weeks pregnant today!
It's hard to believe that we have 10 weeks or less to go before Gianna is here. Jebo and I are SO excited and can hardly wait to meet her!
They say right now Gianna weighs around 3 pounds, and will gain around .5 pounds every week until she is born. I am feeling the pressure now in my pelvic bones from the added weight and I feel sore every time I stand but once I move around a bit it fades.
When I get out of bed now, I have to "roll" out. I can still sit up straight and use my stomach muscles if I need to, but I prefer to not put any strain on my body since my back has been a bit sore. My weekly pre-natal massages have really helped with my back though. I'm SO blessed to be able to get those every week!
I bought a book called Hypnobirthing http://www.hypnobirthing.com/ , that teaches mothers to think of labor pain differently. Women who use this method have shorter labor times, and say they feel hardly any pain. I was shocked at our childbirth class last week, to learn that I was the only woman there planning to have a natural birth. Everyone else has either already planned their C-Section, or have no doubts about having an Epidural.
I am shocked that most of these mothers have not done their research on the negative effects of an Epidural on their baby. They say it negatively effects the breastfeeding, the bonding, the baby's alertness etc. No Thanks. I'll pass on drugging Gianna while she's trying to come down the birthing canal. At that point I will have gone 9 months being careful of what I put in my body, and I don't plan on screwing up at the last minute.
Last night we read Gianna her bedtime stories and Bible. Afterwards, Jebo laid his head on Gianna and started talking to her and listening to the sounds in my stomach, when he got kicked in the head two times by Gianna. It was so funny. He would jump away from my womb and look at me all bright eyed and say "Hey! She kicked me!" Then he would put his head right back for some more action. She already has him wrapped around her little sweet fingers. So cute! She is going to be a "daddy's girl", and he will be a "daughters daddy". Ha!
Our Bumbo chair came this week, along with the cover from Etsy. When I put the cover on and showed the chair to Jebo he got all giggly and said it made him want to squeeze the invisible baby in the chair. He was looking at the chair, but picturing Puddy in it and wanting to squeeze her. (Puddy is our nickname for Gianna. Like Puddy in your hands.)
As I mentioned a few days ago, I read a book recently that gave me the idea to start a mommy diary for Gianna. The purpose of it is to tell her all about Daddy and I and how I feel while pregnant with her. Then after she is born, I will write in it all the time so she can read about our lives together when she was a little baby.
I would have loved to have had something like that to read when I was older, if my mom had documented my childhood in a diary.
Jebo also wants to start making videos of us talking to her before she is born, videos of me pregnant, and us together while I'm pregnant so we can have a little time capsule of memories for Gianna. We'll just have to be sure to keep up with it, and do it for our future children as well so they don't feel slighted. It's so sweet how my husband is even thinking of all these cute ideas to carry out for Gianna. I suppose having a little girl will bring out the sap in him. Haha!
We love you Gianna!
1 comment:
Awwwwwww...so precious.
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