Apparently I've been nesting because I have the urge to do all these things now that Gianna will be here soon. I've gotten rid of the spring flowers on my patio and changed them out to the summer ones. I have cleaned out our fish tank, and hermit crab cage. I have done a load of Gianna's EVER GROWING pile of clothes. (Have I mentioned that this girl does not need anymore clothes?)
Jebo and I also went to Babies R Us and got a few things this weekend. We signed up for a rewards program, since we'll likely have to buy everything on our registry ourselves. Babies R' Us has been sending out coupons lately, so that will help also!
I've been having lots of dreams about Gianna lately. Birthing dreams mostly...
Last night I dreamt I was grabbing her arms through my stomach, and my skin was soft enough that I could feel her elbows and touch them.
I also held her hand in my dream, while she was in my stomach. I couldn't see her hand, but I could feel the layout of it, and it was reaching for my hand as I placed it on my stomach and she wrapped her fingers around my finger. It was so cute and tiny. I really felt like I have held her had now after that dream.
Our baby shower is this Saturday, and we are excited to see everyone prior to Gianna's arrival. I'm sure we'll be MIA for a while after she is born, so it will be good to spend some quality time with our friends and family.
We can't wait to hold our baby in our arms...
And I can't wait to meet her! I love her already!
Your so cute. Your gonna be her favorite Auntie.
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