Gianna turned 4 weeks old yesterday, and officially turns a month old on August 15
th, the same day that her great grandmother, my Dad's mom turns 90!
We'll be visiting my Nana soon so Gianna can have some quality time with her great grandmother.

Gianna is such a good baby. For 2 nights now she has slept 7 hour stretches, wakes up to eat and sleeps another 2-3 hour stretch, and sometimes will sleep for another 2 hours after a second early morning feeding. We are so blessed!

Gianna also loves to stare at people and toys and colorful things. She has a ladybug tummy time mat that she likes to lay on. She's very strong and has been holding her head up from day one, and holds it up even better now. She loves to listen to music and have us sing to her.
Jebo loves to sing her 80's music, and I sing her typical nursery rhymes.

She has very good hand eye coordination also. She loves to hold her
pacifier, and clasp her hands together she is intently listening to you or relaxing. She loves to rest her arm over my breast when she is eating, and it covers her face also. It's so funny because she looks like she's lazy when she's eating. She does this all the time.
We love her so much and every day we look at her and can't describe the love we feel for her as her parents.
She is so beautiful!!!
1 comment:
I cannot keep my eyes off of her! Love you all!
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