I am amazed at how much our baby is growing, and that in one week she is 4 months old in the womb.
Every morning when I wake up, I touch my stomach to feel how much bigger it is. As of about 3 weeks ago, I could start feeling my womb by touching my stomach when laying down. I could feel it very well while standing for a little over a month now, but when you lay down, everything sinks in. Normal. Not anymore. Now in the morning, I just place my hand there softly and I can feel the baby bump. It's amazing. It's big, and it's only going to get bigger.
Jebo thinks it the most beautiful thing. He smiles so big every time he looks at my stomach. He says, "She's beautiful already." Sweet. You can see the pride in his eyes already for his baby. I love it.
I've also been collecting anything and everything ladybug that I find. Outfits, socks, shoes, bibs, blankets, washcloths etc. There are SO many ladybug things out there and it's not even Spring. I'm a happy mommy!
Jebo doesn't even gripe when I come home with bags of things. He just loves all of it and says he can't wait to smell the baby.
The baby is around 4 inches long now. I feel her move sometimes. Supposedly in 2 weeks I should be able to feel her all the time. I had a dream last night that she was kicking and I felt it big time, but as far as I know it was just a dream. But- who knows. Maybe she gave me a good kick in my sleep. Was I snoring?
Speaking of DREAMS. Wow. The pregnancy dreams have kicked in big-time! I have been having the most bizarre dreams for about 2 weeks now. I even had a dream I birthed a cat, but then it turned into a human.
Haha! I might even start a pregnancy dream journal because the dreams are so nutty.
Jebo and I are looking into a heart rate monitor so we can listen to the baby's heartbeat from home. We've also started thinking about our baby shower guest list, and as of right now it has 70+ people on it! It's
definitely going to be a ladybug themed shower. Probably held the first or second weekend in June.
Nothing has changed with me. I feel great. Recently I've been waking up with headaches, but I think that might be a combination of my pillow and my wacky dreams. I'm OK with almost all food now. Nothing really grosses me out, but I still don't care for garlic these days. I think I have a pinched nerve in my lower back, which I need to have my
chiro work on before this baby gets bigger and my back gets more strain on it.
Jebo is good. He's been weird with food lately. We ordered dinner last night from a
Chinese resto we order from a lot, and
Jebo didn't like it all of a sudden. Tonight he craved for spaghetti, but when I made it and he was eating he said he
didn't really like it b/c the noodles were too thin. I told him he better start cooking then,
because it's not my food- it's him. I swear he's the pregnant one here. He even stole my pregnancy pillow- the
snoogle, and won't give it back! Indian giver!!!
That's it for now. This week I'll take a picture of my baby belly for the blog, and pictures of some of the cute baby clothes I have. Stand-by for those!