When I woke up on Saturday morning and placed my hand on our baby bump it felt like it doubled in size overnight. Jebo was already awake so when I went downstairs to make him feel he was shocked and so happy. He thinks it's the cutest thing in the world and so do I.
He keeps asking me what it feels like for me, and I told him, "We'll right now it feels like a clenched hard butt cheek is sitting under my bellybutton that's only gonna get bigger, except it's not a butt cheek- its a baby and its alive." Haha!
The baby is almost 5 inches long this week, and the size of an avocado. There aren't any new changes in me, except this ever growing stomach and I find myself more tired these days. Usually around 3pm I'm ready for a nap, then I get a rush of energy when I pass the tired stage, but again by 9pm I'm ready to sleep for the night but I usually never crash until after 10:30pm.
Check out this link to see the growth of the baby/mommy from conception-birth. It's really cool. Just put your cursor over the grey box under the picture and slowly move to the right for week-by-week changes. Looks like I'm about to have an even bigger growth spurt in the next 2 weeks.

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