The baby has changed SO MUCH in the womb the last 2 weeks. It has officially doubled in size (it's now 3 inches long), and is starting to look more like a human.
They say the baby's eyes and ears are moving to the place they are supposed to be now, and baby now has fingerprints.
We have a sonogram this Friday, and the baby will almost be 14 weeks old at that point. I can't believe how fast this is going. By 18 weeks you can find out the sex of the baby, so we'll know really soon. At 20 weeks we are half-way through our pregnancy! WOW!
For Christmas Jebo got me a Snoogle & a Belly Sonic for the baby. A Snoogle is a body pillow that will come in handy when this baby gets bigger and I can't sleep on my back anymore:

A Belly Sonic is a belt you wear on your stomach that you slip an ipod in, and the speakers in the inside send music to the baby. Jebo also downloaded every possible form of baby music you can find for our baby to listen to. Daddy is already spoiling his baby. Ha! www.bellysonic.com

On another note- it IS true when they say in your second trimester you start to feel more "normal". Things that made me nauseous before, don't bother me as much anymore. I'm not peeing as much as I was in the first trimester. I've had more energy, so I've been slowly cleaning out the baby's closet, and the closet it Gab's old room, which will be a play room until we have another baby down the road.
I've also realized that I am CRAVING Mexican food a LOT. I want nachos with beans and cheese and sour cream, burritos, and anything with Mexican flavors. This makes me think about one of my best friends- Megan- because she LOVES Mexican food. I used to LOVE Italian food, but now it doesn't appeal to me. I wonder if she will not like Mexican, but crave Italian when she's pregnant. Haha! That would be funny!
You can also FEEL the baby now when I'm standing. Jebo, Jody and her sister Kayla are the only ones that have touched the baby so far. It is beginning to be quite the hard little lump. Since the baby is now the size of a peach, I suppose that's normal.
I have felt the baby move 2 times. Once when I was laying in bed pressing on my stomach, and the second time was when I was sitting at work, and the seam of my maternity pants was pushing on the womb and I could feel the butterfly flutterings. I think I may have felt it a few other times, but I wasn't paying attention.
I hope this baby moves a lot for Daddy at our 13 (almost 14) week sonogram this Friday.
I'll post the pictures and video no later then Saturday, so keep a look out!

1 comment:
I wanna feel it! Yes, Mexican food is da bomb! I'll probably crave indian food which I dispise...bleh. Can I make a date with you and your bun to come and chat? I'll come down whenever. Actually, we can grab Mexican food. Haha.
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