I wonder sometimes if we have a future jazz dancer in my stomach with how much this little girl moves! She is ALWAYS moving and punching and kicking. I decided to start monitoring her most active hours, in hopes that it will give me a clue of when she will sleep after being born. Good luck with that, right?!
Our 4D sonogram is this Saturday, and we are SO excited to see Gianna's beautiful little face. Our appointment is at 1:00pm, which is good because in the afternoon she is the most active between 12:30pm and 2:30pm. Then she falls asleep and is active again from 4:00-4:30. She's always moving at least a little bit all day and night, but during the afternoon I feel the strong jabs that almost throw me forward in my chair. Soon she will be bigger and not able to move so freely in her cramped quarters, so I guess I should start looking forward to feeling those jabs in my ribs. Haha!
At 26 weeks, Gianna is now:
Opening and closing her eyes
Moving her head back and forth in the womb
Growing hair on her head
Growing fat under the loose baby skin
She has all her fingernails and toe nails now
Her brain tissue and neurons are rapidly developing
The best part is that she can now hear not only me, but Daddy and anyone else that is around me a lot! I have noticed that she is responding with kicks to loud noises that don't stop.
When we went for a drive the other day in the MG it was so loud that she was kicking and protesting the whole time. It actually made me uncomfortable to be in the car because I felt like I was torturing her, and instead of enjoying the open air ride, I was worrying about her sitting in my stomach terrified! Poor baby!
Last night I took a jacuzzi bath and she was protesting at the sounds of the jet rumbling, so I ended up just turning them off and soaking in the tub the regular way. She reacted the same way to the jacuzzi the last time I took one a few weeks ago. Jebo thinks it hilarious. We are always in the bathroom at night at the same time, so he always laughs when I turn the jets off, and asks me, "Puddi's kicking?" (Puddi is our nickname for Gianna. Like- Puddy in your hand.)
I'll have to get her used to these noises because I'm sure I'll be soaking in the jacuzzi a lot more in these last few months of pregnancy, and I certainly plan on going for more drives in the MG and enjoying the spring weather!
98 days until Gianna's due date!
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