Last night we were laying in bed and Jebo had his hand on my stomach and Gianna kicked him so hard HE jumped and almost screamed! That was the first time he had actually felt Gianna kick. He's placed his hand on my stomach many times before, but for some reason she is always still when he tries to feel her move. In the past, he'd have his hand there for a period of time, and she wouldn't budge, but then right when he'd move his hand she would kick and he'd miss it.
His reaction to her kick last night was SO funny. He was so worried that it hurt me and he didn't want to put his hand back because the realization that a human being just kicked him from inside his wife momentarily made him weak. It was like a kid that got bit by the fish in the fish tank, so he was weary to put his finger back in. Ha! That didn't last long, because after the shock of feeling her moving for the first time passed, he placed his hands right back and got a few more jabs from her. His eye's widened at each one. Cute!
After his "moment" with her he was freaking out if I moved to quick, or if I wasn't being "careful" enough. He said he's already protective of her, and it will only get worse. We watched Nick and Nora's infinite play list last night after dinner, and in one scene the kids were kissing, and he said, "Gianna will be doing none of that! I'm going to stalk her when she's out to make sure of it!" Haha!
Protective Daddy, incident # 1. Get used to it Gianna. Your daddy loves you too much already! Wait until he has you in his arms. You wont be able to get more then 10 feet away without him panicking! Sorry, darling! Haha!
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