I got tested for everything in the book, and they had to take 6 viles of blood from me, which was not as painful as I thought it would be. The last time I gave blood in was in high school, and it took 3 grown men to hold me still.
I still think my fear of needles has something to do with my mom getting my ears pierced when I was a toddler. She said it took 5 grown men to hold me down and that afterwards I wouldn't look at her or let her touch me without screaming. Needless to say, my dad had to take over a lot of my care until I was "over" it. Haha!
This time, I closed my eyes RIGHT when I sat in the chair, so I couldn't see her getting things prepped, and I couldn't see the needle. When she pricked me with the needle it actually was only a small sting. The lady said to me, "Girl, you can't handle a needle? How are you gonna have a baby?" I answered with, "Good question. I have no clue." Ha!
It was over in 1 minute, which was a lot quicker then I expected.
Afterwards, I went to billing and we called our insurance company, to find out what was covered in our plan. 100% of everything is covered, which is a HUGE blessing. They also told me to have one of the doc's at this clinic deliver the baby, I have to give birth in Alexandria. My mom wanted Fairfax, because she read it was better, but- Oh well. I'm sticking to doctors I know, and that's that.
I will be setting an appointment in about 2 weeks for more tests and at that appointment, I will definitely have a sonogram.
My next appointment after that is 2 weeks later for a mom check-up, then at 18-20 weeks Jebo and I will go back for the BIG sonogram where we find out if this baby is a boy or girl. YEY!
I can't believe in about 7 weeks we'll know if it's a boy or girl!