I was doing some research online today and got some fun facts on the baby:
- Baby is now a little over an inch long, and the complete body plan is laid down
- External Genitalia will begin to form next week
- Baby started growing fingernails and peach fuzz hair this week
- Baby will double in size in 2 weeks- to a little over 3 inches long
- Baby no longer has a tail (I'm glad I couldn't see that in the sonogram) Haha!
- Baby can taste, and has tooth buds. Cute!
- Baby's FINGERPRINTS will be complete in 2 weeks!
- They say my uterus is now the size of a grapefruit, and it used to be the size of a pear.
- My emotions will start kicking in and I will become overly-sensitive. I plan to fight this!
- I will start to feel unattractive. Could the ZIT on my cheek be the reason for this?
- Weight gain should begin now since the uterus and baby are growing rapidly. Um-yey!?
Yesterday my mom brought me a pair fo the most COMFORTABLE black maternity work pants in the world! Seriously- I might wear these for the rest of my life. She also brought me a few tops, which fit EVERYWHERE EXCEPT the breast area. I literally had to force the top down over my breasts, and getting the shirt off again was quite tricky. My mom, of course, found this quite comical- but I can't say I was as amused as she was. This baby must have plans to eat ALOT!
On a DADDY note- Jebo falls more in love with this baby every day. Everytime I give him a fun fact about the baby, he says " I love our baby!" When we are in bed at night winding down, he always pretends the baby is there and squeezes it, and yells
"B-A-B-Y!" Haha!
His other new favorite thing to say is, "I love YOU, and BABY!"
It's awesome that we get to go through all of this together. As most of you know, this is Jebo's first time actually watching his child grow from the very start in the womb. He was in Melbourne (getting his MBA) when Gab was "baking" in a baby oven, and Jebo was not in a committed relationship with the "baby oven" Gab was being baked in at the time, so it's a whole new experience for Jebo this time around. This is all NEW and EXCITING for both of us, which is a wonderful thing to be able to share for the first time as Husband and Wife.
I'm still trying to prepare darling Jebo for seeing his child being born. That will be a first for him too! I told him I'm going to make him watch births over and over again on youtube so he gets used to seeing them. I was actually quite shocked watching births online at first, but now I'm getting more used to watching them and it's not as hard anymore. I may have to strap him to a chair with his eyes pryed open to get him to watch it. We'll see! He'll thank me later when he's crying like a girl and holding his baby for the first time minutes after it's born!
I'll update the blog after my doc appt. on Friday! I'm trying to reschedule the time, so I might have to switch the appointment day, but we shall see...
I'll keep you posted.
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