Tomorrow we have an appointment to confirm the pregnancy (obviously we're preggo- but this is "protocol") and see how far along we are.
Based on pregnancy calculators, with my last period having been Sept, 20th- I am 10 weeks along. Time flies when your growing a baby and have no symptoms I suppose.
Aside from my daily enlarging breasts, I really have no other symptoms. I'm burping a lot more. I do get extreme hunger pains, and sometimes the thought of food, even something I just ate makes me grossed out, but I haven't had any morning/afternoon/evening sickness, and don't plan on it either.
A few days ago I was on a pizza kick, and now the thought of Pizza doesn't appeal to me, and I felt that way yesterday, even though I had a Tomato Basil Mozzarella sandwich from Cosi that is very similar to pizza. Go figure.
I guess food overall kind of turns me off, but these hunger pains I get cannot be ignored. They are the hunger pains you would get in the morning if you skipped dinner and lunch the day prior. They are horrible. Even when you eat, they come back in an hour or so. That's why I'm eating a lot of yogurt, fruit and nuts and I'm happy I don't have a specific craving that lasts too long.
My mom said she could only eat Tuna Fish sandwiches her whole pregnancy with my brother and I. Gross!
Cute huh?

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