When I went to the doctor today and they said I wasn't doing blood work I was so happy! I hate needles! My mom was happy too b/c she also hates needles. So does Jebo- but I guess we'll all have to get over that sooner or later.
The doc told me we were just going to confirm the pregnancy. My response was, "Oh, so I'm going to pee on a stick again?" She said, "No, were doing a sonogram."
Mom and I were super excited, and I was glad I brought my camera b/c their printer for the sonogram machine was not working.
I got a bit violated today but I guess that's something I'll have to get used to. They had to test me for Chlamydia/Gonorrhea (a standard test for a pregnant chick), which is just like getting a pap.
For the sonogram, they stuck a small wand-type device inside of me and found the baby, AKA Fishy/Sea Monkey. (That's what we call the baby.) Baby would most resemble #20 in the display below based on the first opinion as to how far along we are- but when I look at the sonogram the shape of the head at this stage already like baby #21 below. It looks more rounded. Cute!!!
Next Tuesday, December 9th @ 10am I have a 3D Sonogram appointment at another office to determine the actual size/due date of the baby. My doc says based on her calculations Monkey will come around July 14th.
December 19th @ 3:00pm I go back for another appointment with my doc for blood work and another sonogram.

1 comment:
OMG, I finally see it. Thank God.
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